What is the Full Form of MRI in medical term?

What is the Full Form of MRI in medical term? The full form of MRI in medical terms is: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
What does MRI mean in health sector? Full form of MRI

Full Form of MRI in medical terms - Full Form, Meaning, and Definition

The full form of MRI in medical terms is: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING

What is the meaning of MRI in medical terms?

Magnetic resonance imaging is used by the medical industry to procure the medical image of the anatomy and physiological processes of the body. 

It is a non-invasive scanning technique and uses a strong magnetic field as well as radio waves for the scanning. 

MRI scans are majorly used for scanning brain anatomy, tumours, checking the spread of cancer etc. 

What are the purposes of MRI?

Following are the examples where MRI can be used

  • To diagnose tumors and cysts in several parts of the body.
  • To detect injuries in the joints and spinal cord.
  • To diagnose various heart and brain problems.
  • Examining the pelvic area of women, including fibroid.
  • To diagnose certain diseases in the liver and lower abdominal organs.
  • Examining anomalies in women body undergoing evaluation for infertility.

What is the procedure of MRI?

What is the procedure of MRI? - Fullformatoz.com

  • You may follow your everyday routine of eating, drinking and medication for most of the MRI tests. There are few special tests that require certain restrictions.
  • You will be asked to remove your jewelry, eyeglasses, dental clips, and any other metal accessory.
  • You will be given a patient gown to wear.
  • An intravenous line will be put in the hand for injection only if there is any procedure with contrast.
  • You will have to lie down on a scan table that goes inside a large round opening scanning machine. 
  • Pillows and straps may be used to tie up the area of diagnosing to prevent any movement.

What are the advantages of Magnetic resonance imaging?

Advantages of MRI:

  • MRI does not use radio waves and is non-invasive in nature
  • It can be used to take images of any part of the body and in any direction. It can take thousands of images quickly of the specified body part.
  • Very precise images of soft tissue structures can be taken which is not possible by other imaging techniques
  • A large segment of the body can be covered at once
  • MRI is very useful in cancer cells detection and checking it’s spread

What is the Difference Between a CT Scan and an MRI Scan?

  • CT scan is more affordable than MRI scan and is more common in use too. 
  • MRI scan is slower than a CT scan.
  • MRI provides more detailed images of the organ and physiological function.
  • Under a CT scan, the person receives a small amount of radiation but in MRI scan no radiation is involved and uses a magnetic field for scanning.
  • MRI scanners produce a loud sound which is not the case with CT scan.

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What are the disadvantages of MRI?

  • Not always MRI can detect all sorts of cancers for example few breast cancers.
  • MRI is expensive (Rs. 5000-10000).
  • Sometimes MRI cannot differentiate between malignant tumor and benign disease, thus leading to a false result.
  • Although MRI is not painful but patients have to remain in a closed rooms for a few minutes which can be problematic for claustrophobic people.
  • Patients having metal implant in their bodies may get affected by the strong magnetic unit of MRI.
  • If any patient chooses to be under sedation during the scanning, it might be risky.